Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Court Analysis

Court Analysis

Q 2020 Fall CRJ 200 Intro to Criminal Justice Writing Assignment Trial Court Research Each student will select, research, and review a criminal or civil trial (preferably a Criminal Trial) via the internet. Based on your research and viewing of courtroom proceedings, your general knowledge of court procedures gained from reading the text relating to court terminology and procedures. The student will write a brief report. The following information should be included in your paper. 1. The trial that you are reviewing, what is the name and type of court 2. What type of trial was it? Jury or bench explain the difference. 3. What were the criminal charges against the defendant? Give specific details regarding the defendant, such as his age, race, etc. 4. Who is the prosecutor? What is his or her responsibility during the trial? Explain 5. Was the prosecutor trial presentation clear and convincing regarding the burden of proof, etc.? give details 6. Who is the defense attorney; explain his or her responsibility during the trial. 1. Summarize their opening statements of the prosecution and the defense, if any. explain its purpose of the opening statement 2. Define the type of evidence that introduced at trial, 3. Were there any objections made to the court attorney's regarding evidence presented at the trial 4. Did the evidence presented at trial affect the final decision or outcome of the trial 5. Were their rebuttal or surrebuttal questions offer in the trial explain the purpose 6. Summarize their closing arguments explain its purpose 7. What was the outcome of the trial? Example Question: The trial that you selected and are reviewing was heard or conducted where? then give the name and type of court Example Answer: the 36th District Court, located at 421 Madison Avenue in Detroit, Michigan 48226 You could add here description and functions of the state and district courts FORMAT The paper must be: 1. The body of the paper must be a minimum of three Pages 2. Cover Page – Title of your report is (vertically and horizontally centered) on the cover page 3. Upper right-hand corner with your name, course title, and code, and date 4. Typed, 1.5 spacing, with 1 inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right) 5. Please use a 12 size font

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On March 3, 2010, plaintiff Tera M. Bruner-McMahon, being the Terry Albert Bruner administrator, filed a complaint about civil rights violations in the United States District Court for the District of Kansas against defendants Marque Jameson and Mary Staton. The complaint was related to the death of Terry Albert Bruner while he was incarcerated in the Sedgwick County Jail. Plaintiff accepted that the death resulted from the defendant's Marque Jameson and Mary Staton's deliberate indifference towards Bruner's serious medical needs. The defendant denied the above-said statements. This case resulted in the problem in question-related to violation of the eight Amendment.